Math - Middle School

getSmart Kids: Up to 10
The topic of this deck of cards is to relate number symbols to their associated quantities. Read more...
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getSmart Measurment: Collection box
This product is a collection box that contains all four measurement decks; getSmart Measurement: Length, getSmart Measurement: Mass, getSmart Measurements: Volume and getSmart Measurement: Time. Read more...
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getSmart Measurment: Length
The topic of this deck of cards is units of length measurement. Read more...
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getSmart Measurment: Mass
The topic of this deck of cards is units of mass measurement. Read more...
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getSmart Measurment: Time
The topic of this deck of cards is units of time measurement. Read more...
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getSmart Kids: Number arithmetic
The topic of this deck of cards is number arithmetic. Read more...
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getSmart Fractions Basic
The topics of this deck of cards are: fractions, percentages, decimals, as well as concretizing these relative quantities. Read more...
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