Norsk Svenska


getSmart Kids: Up to 10

1 - 924,- USD140,- NOK
10 - 4917,- USD102,- NOK
50 +15,- USD88,- NOK

Age: 4 years and older

The topic of this deck of cards is to relate number symbols to their associated quantities. The cards are divided into five colors. The yellow cards contain number symbols from zero to 10, whereas the blue cards, for example, contain pictures of animals. The remaining four colors each includes one card corresponding to each of the yellow cards. A card with a picture of six objects matches a card with the number symbol 6.

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Rules - PowerPointSize:
  getSmart Match it - Kids3.pps  1.31 MB 

Rules - PDFSize:
  Regelhefte - getSmart Kids: Opp til 10.pdf  39.63 KB